Section I-Organizational Title

This organization shall be known as the Rhode Island Alliance of Social Service Employees, Local 580, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO.

Section 2-Relationship to Existing By-Laws

The Constitution and By-Laws delineated herin shall replace and render null and void all previous by-laws and shall constitute the sole Constitution and By-Laws of this organization, subject to amendment or replacement and shall take effect upon approval by SEIU.


The objectives of this Local Union shall be, in general, the objectives of the Service Employees International Union.

A. To unite Local 580 within the jurisdiction of the Service Employees International Union for mutual welfare, protection, and advancement.

B. To work for the establishment and maintenance of fair wages, hours, and working Conditions; and for the abolition of discrimination based on sex, race, color, creed, religion, age, ancestry, national origin, or sexual orientation.

C. To seek, organize, and unite all workers eligible for membership herein, for their mutual advancement, both social and economic.

D. To advance a better understanding among the members of this local and the communities in which they live and work.

E. To provide constructive criticism, when needed, to existing service structures in relation to personnel policies and practices, hours of work, working conditions, grievance procedures, structural changes, etc.; and to foster human dignity as well as effective delivery of service to the community.

F. To cooperate and assist other Unions by moral, monetary, or other means when the objectives of such other Unions are, in nature, beneficial to this Union or its members either directly or indirectly.

G. To communicate and cooperate with the Service Employees International Union.



Section I

This Local Union shall have such jurisdiction as granted and approved by the International Union in accordance with the International Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 2

Any person employed within the jurisdiction of this Union is eligible for membership.

A. Persons who operate as individuals may be eligible for membership, except that they may not hold office or vote on any wage and hour scale. Upon proof to the International President or the Executive Board of the International Union that the admission of such members would be detrimental to the Local Union, the Local Union may present such facts to the International President (or International Executive Board) for authority to refuse membership to such persons. The International President of International Executive Board's decision is binding on the Local Union.

B. Disputes as to membership or eligibility for membership shall be decided by the International President with a right to appeal that decision to the International Executive Board, in writing, within ten days after notice of said decision is received.

Section 3

Every member by virtue of his/her membership in the Local Union, is obligated to adhere to and follow the terms of the International Constitution, this Local Constitution, and the working rules promulgated in accordance with this Constitution, with respect to his/her rights, duties, and privileges, and immunities conferred on him by statute. Each member shall faithfully carry out such duties and obligations and shall not interfere with the rights of fellow members.

Section 4

No member shall interfere with the elected officers or field representatives of this organization in the performance of their duties, and each member shall, when requested, render such assistance and support in that performance of such duties as may be required of him/her provided that this does not interfere with the individual's rights as a member. Each member shall adhere to the terms and conditions of pertinent collective bargaining agreements, and shall refrain from any conduct that would interfere with the performance by this Local Union of its legal or Contractual obligations.


Section I

This Local may send delegates, and may send alternates to the SEIU Convention which meets every four years in the Months of May, June, or July, or to any other special conventions called by the SEIU.

Section 2

These delegates and alternates may be the officers of the Local, or at the Local President's request, may be elected from the membership by secret ballot. To be eligible for such an election, the appointee must have been a member in good standing for at least two years.

Section 3

All of the officers of the Local Union elected in conformity with applicable statutes shall by virtue of such election be considered to be eligible delegates to any International convention which may take place during their term of office. If at the time of the receipt of the convention call it shall appear that such number of elected officers is less than the number of delegates which the Local Union will be entitled to at an International Convention, then arrangements shall be made for nomination and secret ballot election, if required, of an additional number of eligible members as the convention delegates. Nominees for such position, if unopposed, shall be deemed elected without necessity for further procedures. If the total number of elected officers is greater than the number which the Local Union is permitted to send to the convention, then the officers shall attend as delegates in the order listed in Sections 1 and 2 of Article 6, with chapter officers to be listed in accordance of length of membership in the Local Union, and following which the elected members of the Executive Board shall be listed in accordance with the length of the membership in the Local Union. The Executive Board of the Local Union shall determine the number of delegates and alternates which shall represent it at the convention.

Section 4

The President and Membership Secretary are responsible for properly processing delegate credentials.

Section 5

Reasonable funds shall be advanced to the delegates to cover their expenses, with reimbursement for any expenditures above this sum, at the discretion of the Executive Committee upon presentation of proof of such expenditures.


Within the Local there shall be a Business Regulation Chapter, a Library Services Chapter, and a Supervisory and Technical Chapter. The Local Executive Board may form new chapters upon the petition of at least 2/3s of those members involved, provided that the proposed chapter would include only employees covered, or to be covered, by a separate negotiated agreement at the time of its formation.


Section 1

The officers of this Local shall consist of seven (7) General Officers, CHaper Officers, and Executive Board members elected from designated units. These Officers and their duties are as indicated in Sections II through IV as follows.

Section 2

President: Shall be responsible for the general conduct of the program and business of the Alliance and shall preside at all annual and general meetings. The President shall also, ex-officio, be a member of all other committees, and may vote only in the event of a tie. The President and his/her representative shall have the power to call general meetings or a meeting of any particular committee.

First Vice President: Shall assist the President in his/her various duties. Shall assist the President in matters of communication within the Union. Shall serve as chairperson of the Steward's Committee. Shall have the responsibility for the education of the Shop Stewards and members as to their contractual rights and in the use of grievance procedure should contractual rights be violated. Shall be responsible for all grievances processed by this Union.

Second Vice President: Shall assist the President and First Vice President in any capacity so designated by the President.

Treasurer: Shall receive all dues and assessments; keep records of all income and expenditures; maintain checking and savings accounts in the name of the alliance, and pay all authorized bills. Shall be empowered to maintain not more than $100.00 in cash within his/her possession, and shall submit to the International a record of all members of the Union, their proper addresses, zip codes, and social security numbers along with an accurate dues record and a list of suspended and readmitted members. Shall make written quarterly reports and an annual report on the Alliance's finances.

Financial Secretary-Treasurer: Shall keep all membership records and application cards, and a record of all members admitted by initiation or otherwise; as well as rejections and suspended or expelled members. The Financial-Secretary shall send to the International Union an accurate record of all dues payments and other revenue and he or she shall forward to the International Secretary-Treasurer of the International Union the correct names and addresses and Social Security or social insurance numbers of all members initiated or readmitted, and of all other persons from whom revenue is derived, as well as those suspended for non-payment of dues or for any other cause; also a correct list of those who take transfer of withdrawal cards. The proper zip code shall be included for each address.

He/she shall promptly forward to the International Secretary-Treasurer copies of all annual audit reports and copies of all financial reports setting forth a statement of receipts and disbursements which are required by law.

Recording Secretary: Shall take minutes of all annual and General Membership Meetings, and serve as secretary of the Executive Committee. Shall maintain responsibility to send names, addresses, and zip codes of all general officers elected to office within fifteen (15) days after the election to the International Union.

Membership Secretary: Shall maintain and coordinate a current file of the membership of the Alliance, and shall act (in the area of eligibility for membership) as liaison between the Union, its members, and their employers. Shall also work with Ship Stewards to maintain and increase the membership in the various Alliance bargaining units. Shall act as Sergeant-at-Arms in that he or she and/or a designated representative shall examine credentials of members entering meetings so as to prevent unauthorized persons from attending Alliance meetings. Shall also, upon direction from the President, assist in maintaining order during meetings. Shall perform other duties as designated by President.

C.O.P.E. Secretary: Shall serve to develop liaison with local and federal legislative bodies, inform the membership of legislative developments, and recommend legislative avenues of benefits to this Union. Shall also carry out e C.O.P.E. functions required by SEIU. Shall assist the President in any capacity so designated by the President.

Section III-Chapter Officers

Chapter Executive Board: Shall include the Chapter President, Chapter Secretary, and at least three other members elected at large. The Chapter Executive Bard shall conduct chapter business between chapter meetings.

Chapter President: The Chapter President shall preside over the Chapter Executive Board. He/she shall serve on the Local Executive Board.

Chapter Secretary: Shall keep minutes of all chapter membership and chapter Executive Board Meetings.

Section IV-Local Executive Board

A. Composition-the Local Executive Board shall consist of the seven (7) General Officers, Chapter Presidents, and members elected from designated units identified below.

1. R.I. Department of Business Regulation
2. Psychology (including psychometrists, clinical psychologists, chief clinical psychologists, and any other                practitioners of the discipline of psychology who may become members of this Local Union).
3. Rehabilitative Services (including Alliance members in the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Disability       Determination Service, Services for the Blind, and Veterans Affairs).
4. Social Service staff in the Department of Corrections and the Department of Mental Health, Retardation and       Hospitals, Statewide and including Ladd School.
5. East Bay HS (including offices in East Providence, Warren, Bristol, and Newport).
6. Blackstone Valley HS (including offices in Pawtucket and Central Falls).
7. Central HS (including Cranston, Johnston, and HS staff at the Forand Building).
8. Department for Children and Their Families.
9. Providence HS (including all HS staff in Providence except those already included in one of the above              delineated units).
10. Northern HS (including offices from Woonsocket South to the Providence County/Kent County lines except those already included in one of the above delineated units).
11. Southern HS (including all offices in Kent and Washington Counties).

B. Duties-Each of the above-mentioned units shall have at least one Executive Board Member for each 75 Alliance members of majority fraction thereof with no delineated unit having less than one representative on the Board.

New bargaining units which are included in the Alliance, and which contain at least 15 members, may be granted Executive Board representation after approval by a majority vote of the Executive Board; if the new bargaining unit has seventy-five (75) or more members, its Executive Board representation shall be made according to the above formula.

The Executive Board shall be empowered to conduct Union business in all phases between general meetings, including authorization of money expenditures, considered in the best interest of the Union; in addition, this Board shall make all appointments to vacant positions in this Union's organization structure, as necessary, and in accordance with these By-Laws. The Board shall also appoint negotiating teams including at least one officer of this Local, to conduct collective bargaining negotiations on behalf of this Union.

The Local Executive Board shall meet at least once each month. The President is empowered to call meetings of the Executive Board. A quorum shall consist of seven (7) members or one quarter of the Board, whichever is less. The Board may itself call an Executive Board meeting if a majority of its members so desire.

At Board meetings a simple majority of the Board in attendance shall be required to pass on an action. Actions of the Officers or Executive Board of this Union are subject to review by the membership at any general meeting. 

The President, may, if necessary, seek the approval of the Executive Board by telephone communication in instances which require an immediate action. A majority of the Executive Board is necessary to approve the request of the President to institute a policy or procedure as the situation in question warrants.

C. Executive Board members may also be Stewards. In the event that there is more than one Steward in any delineated unit, the Steward gaining the most elective votes shall be the Senior Steward.

D. Any Executive Board Member who is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings shall be required to show cause as to the existence of good and sufficient reason for the Executive Board not to declare the board seat in question vacant. If this is not done, that Constituency shall be notified of the vacancy. If no one applies for the vacant position, it shall remain vacant. If one or more persons apply for the position, the Nominating
Committee shall have the responsibility of conducting an election to fill the vacancy.


Section 1 - Terms of Office

A. Each term of office, for all elected officers, board members, and Stewards shall be for two (2) years.

B. No Member shall be eligible for nomination or election as a general officer in this Local Union Unless he/she has been a member continuously in good standing for two years prior to nomination. No member who has been convicted of a felony shall be eligible for nomination or election as a general officer.

C. Should the office of President be vacated, automatic succession to that office shall be limited to the Vice President. After the rule of succession has been applied regarding vacancies in the office of President, remaining vacancies may be filled by the Executive Board in accordance with its appointive powers (see Article IX). Automatic succession is limited to the office of President only. Officers below Vice President will not automatically succeed to that office.

Section II - Election Procedures

A. General Officer elections shall be held in November of even numbered years, with nominations being made at the October General Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall place names in nomination. In addition, nominations may be made from the floor. Written notice in the Newsletter of the names in nomination shall be given to the membership at least 3 weeks in advance of the election which shall take place on the third Monday in November at a Special General Membership Meeting.

B. Balloting shall be conducted by secret vote with no proxy or write in votes permitted. The elections shall be decided for the candidate receiving the most votes cast for that office.

C. There shall be following the October General Membership Meeting, and prior to the day of elections, a 3 week campaign period. All candidates shall have the right to have a statement of their campaign issues printed in the Alliance Newsletter no later than one week prior to the election, in accordance with rules and regulations established by the Executive Board--said rules and regulations to be established no later than 4 weeks prior to the election.

D. The Nominating Committee shall appoint at least two persons to collect and count ballots and shall announce the results of the balloting.

E. No candidate (including a prospective candidate) for any office in this Local Union or affiliated body or supporter of a candidate may solicit or accept financial support or any other direct or indirect support of any kind from any non-member of the International Union.

Section III - Chapter Officers

Within thirty (30) days of the election of the Local Officers, the Chapter membership shall elect a chapter executive board, a chapter president, and a chapter secretary. The length of office shall be two (2) years. In "the event of a vacancy, a special election shall he held within thirty (30) days.

Section IV - Executive Board of Representatives

Within thirty (30) days of the election of the Local Officers, the general membership shall elect its representatives to the Executive Board. The length of office shall be two (2) years. Only members within a delineated unit (as identified in Article VI, Section IV-A) can vote for their representative. Elections are to be conducted by a secret ballot and there shall be no write-in or proxy votes permitted.

Section V - Stewards

Within sixty (60) days of the election of the Local Officers the membership shall elect shop stewards. The length of office sha11 be two (2) years.


The position of Field Representative may be a full or part-time position with the Local and is responsible to the President. Compensation for the position is set by the Executive Board and approved by the membership.

Duties: The duties shall include but not be limited to the following: assisting the Vice President in the writing and processing of grievances; representing the Local in dealings before Labor Boards; having responsibility for day-to-day operation of the Local Office; supervising Local clerical staff; taking an active role in formulating and carrying out organizing efforts; when feasible, shall be a delegate to conferences and conventions.

Must make written monthly reports to the Executive Board regarding activities; shall, on a regular basis, visit all offices where Alliance members are employed in order to facilitate communication between the membership and this Local's Officers; shall perform other duties as directed by the Local President, Executive Board, or general Membership.

Filling of this Position: The filling of this position, should it become vacant, shall be according to the following procedure. The recruitment shall not be limited to the membership of the Local, but upon being hired, field representative must become a member and maintain his/her membership during the duration of his/her employment, The Executive Board interviews candidates and recommends one name to the general membership for confirmation at a general or special membership meeting of the Local. The Executive Board and the President shall review the performance of the Field Representative on an on-going basis. Final authority on dismissing or retaining a Field Representative rests with the membership.

At two year intervals (not in the same year as the election of General Officers) retention of the person serving as Field Representative shall be voted on by the membership. This vote of re-confirmation will take place in November and a majority of those members voting must approve in order for the Field Representative to be retained. In the event that a majority of those members voting do not approve of retaining the Field Representative, or in the event that this position becomes vacant for other reasons, the Executive Board shall make a determination whether or not to fill the position. If the position is to be fi11ed, the Executive Board shall commence selection procedures according to the format outlined above.


The Executive Board, except as otherwise indicated, shall make appointments to the following Committees:

1. Financial Committee: A chairperson and several members to advise the President and the Executive Board on financial matters. This committee shall elect two of its members to review the Local's financial situation with the Treasurer at six-month intervals. An annual written report shall be made to the membership.

2. Stewards Committee: Vice President and all elected Shop Stewards shall have the
following responsibilities:

A. Function as a grievance committee in that they shall handle and process all grievances, either individually or collectively, and, through the Vice President, recommend appropriate action to the aggrieved and/or the Executive Board. If the aggrieved remains aggrieved, he/she may appeal to the Executive Board.

B. Due to their key position within this Local Union, the members of the Stewards Committee shall be responsible for on-going research into personnel policies and practices for use in negotiations.

C. In conjunction with the Field Representative, Vice President and President, but--committees of Stewards from the various bargaining units within this Local Union shall prepare Contract proposals for presentation to the membership for approval prior to negotiations. Necessary addition: members may be appointed by the Executive Board.

3. Legislative Committee: The Executive Board of this Local Union shall appoint a Committee on Political Education to assist it in carrying out a program for sound political education and political action and encouraging its members and their families to register and vote. No Local Union shall establish its own registered federal political committee or any political candidates fund for contribution in connection with federal elections, provided, however, that the International President may in his or her discretion waive this provision or establish such conditions as the International President may deem necessary.

4. Civil Rights Committee: The Executive Board of this Local Union shall appoint a Civil and Human Rights Committee to assist it in carrying out the Civil and Human Rights programs and policies of the International Union

5. Newsletter Committee: Chairperson and staff to compose, print, and distribute the Newsletter, and send items of interest to the International newspaper.

6. By-Laws Committee: Chairperson and several members to consider and propose By-Laws changes suggested by members, and to draft By-Law changes required by SEIU.

7. Nominating Committee: Chairperson and several members to present at least one name for each elective office at the general membership meetings immediately prior to the election meeting, and on an on-going basis to make recommendations to the Executive Board in order that vacancies which occur between elections may be filled. This committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board within 60 days of their election.

A function of the Nominating Committee shall be to establish procedure for conducting all elections within the local. The Nominating Committee shall develop and submit to the Executive Board for its approval, during the month prior to the General Officer Elections, procedures for the carrying out of the election of Executive Board Members, Chapter Officers, and Stewards in accordance with regulations already required by these

8. Personnel Committee: President as Chairperson, and general officers of the Local, shall review all employees, including Field Representatives of this Local; and shall make to the Executive Board and membership annual written reports.

9. Senior Members Committee: The Executive Board of this Local Union sha11 appoint a Senior Members Committee to assist it in deve1oping a program for senior and retired members.

10. Solidarity Fund Committee: Chairperson and several members to make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding disbursements from this fund.

The International Secretary-Treasurer shall be notified promptly by each Local Union of the composition of the Civil and Human Rights Committee, the Committee on Political Education and the Senior Members Committee.

The above committees shall submit projected budgets to the Executive Board for approval. Budgets in excess of $100.00 must be approved by General Membership.

Committee Chairpersons shall report to the membership of this Local Union on at least a quarterly basis, except as delineated elsewhere.

The Local President and Executive Board may appoint other committees as needed.

                                                                          ARTICLE X                                                                                

In case of a dispute between this Local Union and an emp1oyer or employers, the Local Union shall notify the International President of the International Union immediately. This Local Union shall not call a strike without previous notification to the International President, who shall have the right to veto any strike to be called by this Local Union. If the International President has vetoed any such strike, this Local Union may not call the strike thus vetoed.

Strike action shall require a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a meeting in which at least four days notice by mail has been made. Voting must be by secret ballot and there shall be no proxy votes.


The International Union shall be notified in writing when any collective bargaining negotiations or memorandum of understanding have been concluded and be advised of the number of employees covered.

Copies of collective bargaining agreements and Contracts entered into by this Union shall be filed with the International Department of Research upon signing.

Proposals for Contracts to be negotiated shall be presented to the membership prior to the commencement of negotiations. Such proposals may be presented in the Newsletter or at a meeting of members of the bargaining unit upon at least four days notice by mail. Proposed changes from previous Contracts shall be underlined.

All Contracts or agreements which are negotiated must be brought back to the membership covered by the agreement for approval by majority vote.


Section 1

An authorized bill is one within the purposes and authorized budgets of the above committees or in connection with action voted by the membership or authorized by the Executive Board.

Section 2

The only requests for contributions that wiI1 be accepted will be directly related to Unionism or involve the direct service constituency of this Union. A limit of $100.00 per contribution will be imposed.

Requests for said contributions shall be forwarded to the Executive Board one month prior to the Union meeting at which they are to be considered. A total yearly limit of $1,200.00 will be set. In case of exhaustion of the $1,200.00 yearly limit, the Finance Committee will meet with the Treasurer and Field Representative to discuss finances. Any part of the $1,200.00 not used is to be returned to the Alliance general treasury at the end of the year. Union members with personal charities can urge members to contribute to those charities on an individual basis throuh the Newsletter or at Union meetings.

Section 3

All officers and employees handling any monies of this Local Union shall be bonded in the amounts and form required by the applicable statutes. These bonds are to be procured immediately upon assuming office or employment. The premiums are to be paid by this Loca1 Union. The International Secretary-Treasurer of the SEIU may direct the increase of the amount of the bond when he or she deems it advisable.


Section 1

There shall be a thirty dollar initiation fee to this Union. This fee will be waived for those persons joining the Union within thirty (30) days of becoming eligible for membership. This fee may also be waived or reduced by the Executive Board in special circumstances. Revenues shall derive from monthly dues, fines, and assessments, and such other sources as may be approved by the Executive Board.

Section 2

The dues of this Union shall be $8.20 bi-weekly. As of July 1, 1987, the minimum monthly dues established by the International Constitution is $11.00.

Changes in the amount of dues shall be subject to ratification by the General Membership in accordance with the procedures as outlined in Article XV of these By-Laws.

This Local Union shall likewise pay any other obligation due to the International Union, and it shall have a right to pay any bills before it pays its full obligation to the International Union each month.

Section 3

Solidarity Fund

Five percent (5%) of the dues of this Local Shall be set aside for the Solidarity Fund. This fund shall compensate members under circumstances and in amounts as determined by the Executive Board for any lost wages that members may experience in recognition of and adherence to Union principles.


A quorum shall consist of thirty (30) members at any properly called meeting of this Union (i.e., a General Membership Meeting of the Local, or a special meeting called with reasonable written notice of the membership.) A quorum for a chapter meeting shall be thirty (30) or one-quarter of the membership, whichever is less.


Amendments to the By-Laws of this Local Union may be made by a majority vote of the membership providing that:

A. The amendments has been submitted to the Executive Board fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered by the membership.

B. Written notice is given to all work locations with sufficient number of copies for
members in those locations including the text of the proposed Amendment and the date, time, place of any meeting at which a By-Laws Amendment is to be voted on.

C. Approval by majority vote at two (2) consecutive membership Meetings is required for these By-Laws to be amended.

These By-Laws, as approved by the Membership, shall take effect only if approved by SEIU.

In the event of any conflict between these By-Laws and those of SEIU, SEIU By-Laws
will prevail.

Copies of SEIU By-Laws and this Local Union's By-Laws and amendments thereto must
be provided to each member by this Local Union.


Trials and appeals shall follow the procedures and be in accordance with the provisions of the International Constitution and By-Laws.

Subject to the provisions of applicable statutes, every member or officer of this Local Union against whom charges have been preferred and disciplinary action taken agrees, as a condition of membership or affiliation and the continuation of membership or affiliation, to exhaust all remedies provided for in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Internationa1 Union and in this Constitution, and further agrees, not to file or prosecute any action in any court, tribuna1, or other agency until those remedies have been exhausted.


All records of this Local Union pertaining to income, disbursements, and financial transactions of any kind whatsoever must be kept for a period of at least six years, or longer if required by applicable law.


This Local Union cannot dissolve, secede, or disaffiliate while there are seven (7) dissenting members. In the event of succession, dissolution, or disaffiliation, all properties, funds and assets, both real and personal of this Local Union shall become the property of the International Union. Under no circumstances shall this Local Union distribute its funds assets, or properties individually among its Membership,


The title to all property, funds, and other assets of this Local Union shall at all times be vested in the Local Executive Board for the joint use of the Membership of this Local Union; but no member shall have any severable proprietary rights, title, or interest therein.

Membership in this organization shall not vest any member with any right, title, or interest in or to the funds, property, or other assets of this Local Union, now owned and possessed or that may hereafter be acquired, and each member hereby expressly waives any right, title, or interest in or to the property of this Local Union, including the funds of this Local Union.


Section 1

This Local Union is obligated to hold monthly General Membership Meetings.

General Membership Meetings shall be held the second Monday of each month unless notice is given in the Newsletter with sufficient copies mailed to all work locations for all the members at those work locations at least five (5) working days in advance of the second Monday or the changed meeting date, whichever shall occur earlier. The President or designee shall be responsible for the mailing of this notice.

Section 2

Special meetings of the Local may be called by the President or by a majority vote of the Executive Board upon notice to the membership, which notice shall specify the business to be brought before such meeting, and only the business so specified shall be considered at the meeting except by unanimous consent of the members present. Where feasible, the notification procedure as outlined in Section 1 shall apply.

Section 3

The Manual of Common Procedure in the SEIU By-Laws will prevail at all meetings, where not applicable, the "Current Edition of Robert's Rules of Order will prevail.

Section 4

Meetings shall take place at least quarterly at a time and place approved by the Chapter.


This Local Union shall affiliate with the Central Labor Body and the State Federation of Labor. where these exist, and with the appropriate Service Employees Joint Council, Conference, Division, or Service Council, as determined by the International Union.