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4 days in the case of the death of a spouse (including domestic partner), child (including foster child or stepchild who resides with the employee), mother, father, step- parent, brother, sister, step-brother or step-sister.

3 days in the case of the death of a mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandchild or any other relative living in the employee’s household.

1 day in the case of the death of an aunt, uncle, sister- in-law, brother-in-law, niece, nephew or cousin.

family sick LEAVE  

Members may discharge up to twenty (20) days of personal accrued sick leave per year for family sick leave.


Any Local 580 employee who makes a contribution to the sick leave bank, is eligible to apply to the bank for sick leave. To contribute, an employee needs at least 5 days of accrued sick leave at the time of contribution.

Local 580 members may apply once each calendar year (anytime between January 1st-December 31). Any unused sick leave remaining in the Sick Leave Bank on December 31, 2024 doesn't get carried forward into the next year. Therefore, January 1, 2025 the sick bank starts with zero hours. 

Local 580 members, to contribute to sick bank please see sick bank donation form link here:

Forms must be sent to Emilia Girard, Department of Administration, and may be copied to Local 580 office email:

Thirty-five hour employees may donate 7 hours, thirty-seven and a half hour employees may donate 7.5 hours, and forty hour employees may donate 8 hours.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the Sick Leave Bank is to make additional sick leave days available to members of the Bank in the event of a personal catastrophic illness, medically necessary surgery, or personal injury, which is not job-related, of an employee (not any family member). Such Sick Leave Bank Leave may only be granted when all other accrued leave—sick, vacation, and personal—has been exhausted.

Local 580's union contract provides for the establishment and operation of a Sick Leave Bank managed by a joint labor/management committee.

The labor/management committee must require adequate evidence of the employee’s catastrophic illness or injury, which is not job related. Sick leave bank hours will not be granted to an applicant with evidence of prior sick leave abuse in his/her personnel file or attendance record. Prior utilization of sick leave does not by itself indicate sick leave abuse.

The maximum amount of sick leave that may be granted is 480 hours for an employee assigned to a forty (40) hour work week or 420 hours for an employee assigned to a thirty-five (35) hour work week.

Nothing herein contradicts or restricts an employee’s entitlement to FMLA leave. In addition, the discharge of sick leave bank hours granted shall be counted towards an employee’s entitlement under Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).


DEADLINE for submission is to by 10am on Monday 6/19/2025.

Local 580 awards two annual school scholarships of $1,000 each. The following eligibility criteria have been established:

Local 580 members may apply on behalf of their child/step-child/adopted child. 

Applicants for the Local 580 Scholarship must provide a letter of acceptance from an accredited school of higher education for the 2025-2026 academic year. Accredited schools may include colleges, universities, junior colleges, technical schools, and advanced degree programs.

The scholarship is awarded only once to each winner. No scholarship recipient may apply in subsequent years. Members may submit names for multiple children enrolled in an institution of higher learning.

The scholarship winner will be chosen by lottery at the 2025 annual Local 580 summer picnic. You don’t have to be present at the picnic lottery to be eligible. The scholarship checks will be presented to the winners at a time and place to be determined.

Applications for the 2025 Scholarship must be received by email to no later than June 19, 2025.  

Send an email with "Scholarship" in the subject line: to

Please include this information in the email:

Member Name:


Email Address:

Telephone #:

Current Department:

Child (Student) name:

The institution where accepted and attending:

Educational leave

DEADLINE for submission is 5/15/2025.

In accordance with Article 24 of the Local 580 contract (Educational Leave) the Office of Health and Human Services, Departments of Human Services, Children Youth and Families, and Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals members from Rank & File Chapter and Supervisory & Technical Chapter in each Department may apply for part-time or full time Educational Leave. You have to be a Local 580 member for at least 18 months by the May 15, 2025 application deadline.

           ***Paid leave for all members hired before 7/1/2014,

              Unpaid leave for all members hired after 7/1/2014***

Employees hired after July 1, 2014 who are authorized to be on full time educational leave will not be paid salary but will continue to receive benefits subject to required employee contributions. They will also receive fifty (50%) tuition costs for in-state tuition. 

Employees hired after July 1, 2014 who obtain a Masters’ Degree after taking up to two years unpaid education leave will receive a salary increment of $3,000 pursuant to the requirements of Article 6.7A.

Employees who are granted part-time educational leave in accordance with this section will receive tuition reimbursement in the amount of up to $1200.00 per course in areas of study specified herein taken at in-state colleges or the university and for which the employee receives at least a Grade B. 

Qualified members of the Rank & File Chapter and Supervisory & Technical Chapter must pursue Master’s degree by attending accredited schools of social work, rehabilitation counseling, counselor education, psychology and such related fields (e.g. Child Development, HealthServices Administration, Public Administration, etc.)

The Office of Health and Human Services, Departments of Human Services, Children Youth and Families, and Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals employees who are qualified members of Local 580 and wish to be considered for Educational Leave must submit an application and letter of acceptance by May 15, 2025.

Send to: @ Office of Human Resources AND copy (to ensure submission was received and recorded, please obtain receipt of acknowledgment by ensuring you received a reply email from

Downland full-time MS Word applications here:

Hired After 7/1/2014 Full-Time Ed Leave Application

Hired Before 7/1/2014 Full-Time Ed Leave Application

Downland part-time MS Word applications here:

Part-Time Ed Leave Application

master’s degree bonus

Office of Health and Human Services, Departments of Human Services, Children Youth and Families, and Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals: Each employee covered by this Agreement who possesses a Master’s' Degree obtained from an accredited school in Social Work, Rehabilitation Counseling, Counselor Education, Psychology or other job related Master’s Degrees shall receive a salary increment for such degree in the amount of $2,300, provided that the possession of such Master’s’ Degree is not an educational requirement for the employee's classification.

Department of Business Regulation: A member with Master’s Degree or certification equivalent, shall a salary increment of $2300 if it is not an educational requirement for the DBR position.

A Certified Financial Examiner designation in any field as it relates to financial examinations personnel in either the insurance or banking division shall be considered equivalent to a Master’s Degree.

Within the Department of Business Regulation, the Department agrees to pay the equivalent of the Master’s Degree increment to any employee who possess any one of the following professional licenses provided that the license is related to the employee’s job:  Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Examiner and Chartered Life Underwriter, CPCU, CIE and FMLI.

Department of Public Utilities and Carriers: A Master’s Degree salary increment of $2,300.00 shall be paid under the provided the Master’s Degree is job-related and is not an educational requirement for this position.


Tuition reimbursement

Department of Business Regulation: Local 580 members at DBR may apply to have the cost of tuition reimbursed for approved college and university courses for courses job-related for both undergraduate and graduate programs. Employees under this program shall not be allowed to attend courses during the employee’s normal working hours.DBR will grant to any insurance or banking financial examination personnel reimbursement not to exceed $1,000.00 annually for courses taken with respect to a CFE designation.

Department of Public Utilities and Carriers: Local 580 members at DPUC may apply to have the cost of tuition reimbursed for approved college courses for courses job-related for both undergraduate and graduate programs. Employees under this program shall not be allowed to attend courses during the employee’s normal working hours.

AnnuAL Summer Local 580 PICNIC Leave

Members of Local 580, who attend Local 580's Annual Outing will be permitted to have leave for one-half of their work day on the day of the outing. Two hours of such leave will be paid by the State. The balance of such leave may be paid by deduction from an employee's accrued vacation leave, personal leave or accrued compensatory time-off. Those member who apply and denied the two hours paid leave to attend, due to office coverage issues, will be granted two hours of compensatory time off at a later date.